I think the only thing you can extract (relatively) easy is dissasembly raw code. But I guess that you are not "need" so much to reverse a useless simple programm. Ofcource also the size and complexicity of the code is propotional to the difficulty of the proccess. And ofcource if you want this you have to do a lot of work your own because such a "universal" and "magic" converter, simple doesn't exist. You need by definition detailed information from the compiler side that is used to generate the machine code. "3d cad" as ".c" file means pretty much nothing. bmp file back to "3d cad"! ofcource its is possible, but for sure not easy and practical, and you need more information.

bmp file of a "3d cad" file and you are looking for a converter to traslate the. c file! Asking for more is just wasting your time. Next single click on the file name, move the cursor to the end of the name with the right arrow, press three times backspace, then the character 'c' (or 'C' if you prefer) and return. Look for the free software they offer to do just what you are asking. what software should i use Also please tell me alternatives to proteus as demo version does not support PICs. First click on the file you want to convert. 2 new999 said: Hello I want to write code for pic and convert it to hex file as well.